PORTLAND SCHOOL Te Kura o Tikorangi

Aotearoa New Zealand Curriculum at Portland School Te Kura o Tikorangi
The New Zealand Curriculum is a statement of official policy relating to teaching and learning in English-medium New Zealand schools. Its principal function is to set the direction for student learning and to provide guidance for schools as they design and review their curriculum.
A parallel document, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, will serve the same function for Māori-medium schools.
Although they come from different perspectives, both start with visions of young people who will develop the competencies they need for study, work, and lifelong learning and go on to realise their potential. Together, the two documents will help schools give effect to the partnership that is at the core of our nation’s founding document, Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi.
The New Zealand Curriculum applies to all English-medium state schools (including integrated schools) and to all students in those schools, irrespective of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, belief, ability or disability, social or cultural background, or geographical location. The term “students” is used throughout in this inclusive sense unless the context clearly relates to a particular group.
They guide schools on what they should teach and how they should teach it, with the goal of fostering lifelong learners who are confident, creative, connected, and actively involved.
The existing Education Curriculum was introduced across all Aotearoa Kura in 2007 and has provided a framework for kura in Aotearoa New Zealand to develop teaching programmes that are relevant to their students.
The curriculum outlines a range of learning stands along with key competencies, or capabilities, that students need so that they are able to succeed in life.
Click here for a Schematic Overview of the NZC
Directions for learning
Young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Innovation, inquiry, and curiosity
Community and participation
Ecological sustainability
Key Competencies
Thinking; Using language, symbols, and texts
Managing self
Relating to others
Participating and contributing
Learning Areas
English - Te Reo Matatini
The arts - Ngā Toi
Health and physical education - Hauora
Learning languages - Reo
Mathematics and statistics - Pāngarau me Tauanga
Science - Pūtaiao
Social sciences including Aotearoa New Zealand Histories - Te Ao Tangata me Ngā Hitori o Aotearoa
Technology - Hāngarau
Official languages - English, Te Reo Māori and NZ Sign Language
Achievement Objectives
High expectations
Treaty of Waitangi
Cultural diversity
Learning to learn
Community engagement
Future focus
Click here for a detailed breakdown of
The New Zealand Curriculum is currently being refreshed, with updated content released in phases through 2024 to 2026. For information on the refresh process and timelines see New Zealand Curriculum Refresh.
The main focus, in Primary Schools, is on developing the foundational skills of reading, writing and maths but we provide many other opportunities to engage and broaden students’ learning and develop individual skills.
At Portland School Te Kura o Tikorangi we began our Structured Literacy Programme in 2022 and this is now well embedded school wide from year 0-6.
For Reading and Spelling - we are using the iDeaL platform (Learning Matters). This explicit teaching approach supports both our ākonga and our kaiako to not only understand syntax, morphology, structure and spelling rules, but how to transfer that learning to Reading and Writing.
For Writing – we have implemented ‘The Writers’ Toolbox' platform. This interactive programme is engaging for ākonga and allows for independant 'own paced' exploration combined with explicit instruction which has increased ākonga motivation to write.